Friday 14 June 2024

5 out of 10 households prefer Godzilla Lois

 Having been threatened with the 10 Day Blogging Challenge thingummydoodah, I did briefly think about it but quickly realised that I'd never keep it up, so to speak, and you'd all be (un)lucky if I managed even half that.  Which sparked something in my brain to remember the last half of 5 out of 10 households prefer Kormorant & Tetris.  Which led me to look at the most recent ten videos in my YouTube history.  Which led to this post.  Enjoy!  Or not.
 Godzilla Lois
 I love Malcolm in the Middle - it's so clever and has great characters - and this clip is one of my favourites.  I use Dewey's "Seize him!" frequently to this day (mainly when encouraging Bitey to see which of the nieces or nephew have invited themselves in). 

 Kylie vs Ghosts
 Love Kylie.  Love Ghosts.  Love this.

 Orville Peck & Willie Nelson: Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly Fond Of Each Other
 I came across this after YouTube presented me with Kylie's latest collaboration - with Orville Peck.  Having no clue who he was, a few clicks later found me in the know and listening to the "Gay Cowboy Song".

 First Date With the Moon
 This just presented itself to me on the YT home page.  The boy facing the camera in the thumbnail image looked cute title intrigued me so I clicked!

 Confidence Man: I Can't Lose You
 Suggested by the YT algorithm because of the many times I listen to "Holiday" (thank you, Jon) I suspect.
 I'm not sure what this says about me or my viewing/listening habits?  What does your YouTube/Dailymotion/Vimeo etc. history say about you


  1. Questions, questions...

    Why does that hideous brat of a child have such a huge budget for spending on Lego? Why did Princess Kylie agree to appear with such bad actors? Why are Confidence Man man's genitals all fuzzy - and why is he naked in a helicopter anyway? Which cowboy's is the biggest Willie?

    Thankfully, I switch off all "remember me" features on any site I visit, so I don't have a YouTube history - that would be a minefield of madness, indeed... Jx

    1. Oh, Christ, if I'd known there was going to be a quiz at the end I never would have published this!

  2. I can barely READ blogs 10 days in a row.

  3. Also, I was hoping that First Date with the Moon would be one of those snarky parodies with homo leanings, but no, just a bunch of clean cut kids, all hopped up on mayonnaise.

    1. Well, those two boys at the end clearly aren't going to playing tennis together...

  4. I think Jon left a comment here about his Youtube history, but it has vanished?
    The First Date with the Moon was intriguing! What with the Weenie Roast, discordant music, and everything!

    1. P.S Of course you could do the 10 day challenge!!

    2. He did! And Peenee, too, but Blogger decided to dump them in the Spam folder for some reason. I fished them out now and given them a good dousing with Febreze.

      I've done two days in a row. That'll do for now - I'm exhausted!

  5. Willie Nelson is still alive ?! Wahnsinn !
    The guy must be hundred or so.

    I am sorry, I have no history. I am in the eternal present.

    1. No dwelling in the past for you, Mago. Onward and upward without a glance back, eh?


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?