Sunday 9 June 2024

Get up off your quince!

 I'm pretty sure that I don't need to post a reminder that the Infomaniac Garden Photos Event will be taking place in a scant few months - November, to be precise - because I just know that you've all got it marked on your calendars and have been snapping away at your various flora since Spring. 
 You have, haven't you?

 Well, just in case it's slipped someone's mind, or someone's been putting it off because they can't be bothered to get up off their quince* and get out in the garden, or someone's already taken some photos of their roses and thinks "That'll do - I've got this in the bag!", let this be your wake-up call: Get the GPE on your mind!  Get up off your quince!  Get out with your camera because you can never have too many photos!**
the House of
Garden Photos Event 2024
waits for no one!***

 If you really have no idea what I'm going on about, just click on my Garden Photos Event page at the top of this blog for some background and links to previous GPEs.  But if clicking a link is too much like hard work, basically, the GPE is an opportunity to share photos of your greenspaces and then snout around other peoples' to see what they're growing, ask questions, and get some ideas & inspiration for your own plot.
 You don't need to be particularly greenfingered/thumbed or even have a garden to take part, just a plant or plants that you're nurturing/keeping alive at your allotment, on your balcony, in your windowbox, or on your kitchen windowsill.
It's up to you whether you send in photos of your entire garden...
Hexenhäusli Device South Lawn

... or just a specific area...
Hexenhäusli Device Side Return

... or favourite specimen plants...
Lakeside snapdragon

... or the first fruit/vegetable of the season...
Allotment Loganberry

... or close-ups of intriguing leaves and/or unusual blooms...
Bottlebrush (Callistemon) flowers opening

... or whatever blurry greenery you managed to snap as you staggered around with hit the ground after your twelfth G&T
Mind-your-own-business (Soleirolia soleirolii)

 The GPE will be preceded by a Terrifying Triffidery exhibit on Hallowe'en, so as well as your "normal" photos & accompanying captions, please also take photos of any particularly scary, unusual, or downright rude (because we know what you're like) plant for submission, too.  Or, failing that, photos of a perfectly ordinary plant taken while drunk, close-up, or filtered/photoshopped to Hell.
 Your photos & captions should be emailed to me by the end of October so that I can organise them into posts to be published throughout November, but I'll cover that in more details nearer the time.

 As well as all the GPE stalwarts, we'd love to see some greenery from anyone who hasn't taken part before (or maybe not in a long time) - and you don't even need to be a regular visitor/commenter at this blog.  So, all you lurkers, irregulars, friends-of-friends, and newcomers are more than welcome!

 And one final thing: the Infomaniac Garden Photos Event is NOT a competition, so there'll be no judging or criticising, and no winner no matter how many times people like, oh, I don't know, Ms Scarlet, The Very Mistress, Peenee, and Savvy may ask!
Happy Gardening!


* Not the hard, sour fruit.  Although, if you are sitting on one, keep it to yourself.
** Unless you are the Ms Nations of 2021.
*** Except for when it does.


  1. We've been "off our quinces", snapping away at the extensive gardens here at Dolores Delargo Towers all year, as usual... Your latest photos are faboo - love that "bottle-brush flower"! Jx

    1. Jon, you and Madam A are, of course, GPE stalwarts, and I love it when your exquisite, full-headed blooms fill my in-box!

    2. I did a quick check...nope! not one of mine!

    3. Yours are safe for now, Dinah. Broom's not up to a transcontinental trip these days.
      Incontinental, on the other hand...

  2. Replies
    1. And I like very very much that you collected all the former entries under that new category up there : Really a work of love !
      And it's nice to see The Mistress' rabbit again, ha !

    2. That berry did make my bum wink somewhat. It could have done with another day or two ripening before I ate it.

      My Infomaniac GPE page has been up there for nearly two years, now. Where have you been?!?
      But still, I did enjoy putting it together and getting lost in all the gardens of yore as I did so - The Very Mistress's rabbit notwithstanding. And it's very satisfying to have everything in one place for quick reference.
      Plus, adding to it each November is rather exciting, too!

  3. This year has been a disaster! Disaster, I say! *While I throw myself on a chaise lounge dramatically.* I lost plants this winter and this spring has been a cold, wet and windy mess. I think I mentioned in a previous comment here how I was going to get a picture of my beautiful begonia flowers only to decide to do it the next day and during the night the deer? or rabbits? ate every last one of them!

    I'm going to have a sad showing this year. *Sad Proxima noises.

    1. Oh dear, Melanie! I'll see if I can arrange for some gardeners boys to come and feed you grapes and fan you while you recover from the horror on your chaise.
      Perhaps one or two plants will surprise you with a special showing later in the season?

  4. I've been pretty good at snapping at my foliage this year. The big pink bush is in the can, and she is abundant this year - busting out all over - a joy to behold!
    And I have some early Spring pictures - it's usually in late summer that my garden gets a bit green and boring.
    Thank you for the reminder to take part in this annual competition!!

    1. That's what I like to hear, Ms Scarlet! The GPE doesn't feel complete without a showing of your Big Pink Bush.

  5. Do weeds count? I seem to have plenty of those... Some are pretty? Some merely aggressive. I fear I have not the desire to do battle this year. Maybe I should have my yard blacktopped???

    1. Weeds have varying definitions...I regard blue couch lawn grass as a right pest! You might even have some that will qualify as Triffids. Don't be shy!

    2. Weeds definitely count, Mr Tonking! Some are rather beautiful and they grow marvellously where other more cultured (and desired) plants may not.
      And Dinah is right: one or two of them might make for good Triffids at the Hallowe'en show!

  6. I've taken a picture of my tree peony in full bloom, grown from a root cutting that I stole from the garden centre, that was a challenge. I have something for Jon to identify too, it's the bane of my border. I'm in mourning for my late mother's beautiful Medinilla Magnifica it had been going steadily down hill since it's came into my possession last year and has now croaked on me, it's lying in state at the bottom of the brown bin.

    1. I've never heard of Medinilla Magnifica before, but a quick google put me right. What a beautiful plant! I'm sorry yours couldn't live without your mother - it was obviously very attached (perhaps epiphytically so?).


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?