Monday 20 May 2024

Thoughts for the Day

  Ms Scarlet is doing an astonishing job of publishing daily blog posts while Jon's on holiday - really astonishing, considering.  However, for anyone looking for familiar Give 'em the old Razzle Dazzle style content, may I present this homage to Thoughts for the Day (as found under Jon's Gay Gossip label):

[Spotted in a charity shop window this morning while on my way to work.
I deliberately didn't crop out the tat in the background in case Mitzi or someone else wanted a look/laugh]


  1. Please...I'm like a bloodhound. I will find gin or cock, invisible or otherwise.

    I had no idea Ms. Scarlett was back, Did she move back into the other dump again? if so, I need to update my reader.

    1. I have no doubt about your gin/cock tracing skills, Maddie. Invisible Dick doesn't stand a chance!

      As for the whereabouts of Ms Scarlet, I see you've found her at last.

  2. Fantastic, Mr Devine!!! Both Mitzi and Jon will love this! And it gave me an idea for a series of blog posts - Mitzi Monday, where we share pictures of junk shops just for Mitzi's delectation!!
    I am also astonished!

    1. P.S The wallpaper of this junk shop is the best!

    2. Ooh, Mitzi Monday - I like it! I will keep my eye open for some intriguing tat.

      P.S. Crikey, yes! I hadn't really noticed the wallpaper - I don't know how I missed it?

  3. I find it comforting that junk stores pile up the same old crap everywhere.

    1. It's amazing how much of the same crap there is, Peenee. The world must have been overrun with it back in the day!

  4. I'm just a natural born rummager, I love it. Though I must stress I rarely buy from those places. How much are they asking for the Brown Betty?

    I have been caught unawares by the sight of Invisible Dick on numerous occasions.

    1. How much for the Brown Betty? Too much if the asking price for a dick that may or may not exist is anything to go by!

  5. I'm in favor of paranormal romances as long as the gold standard of consent has been established. That's what Ouija boards are for, innit?

    1. But, of course!

      P.S. "Innit"? You've been hanging around with Hound for too long! ;)

    2. Haha! I imagine the Hound and I have a lot in common. I don't think you realize how much my regional American dialect sounds like Old English. Our humor is also oddly specific compared to the rest of the US and more similar to British humor. Rural folk like myself still use innit. I also used to speak Pidgin Chinook on the daily when I was younger which is an old trade language between the various Indigenous tribes, English, Dutch, German and French speakers. (More accurately, it's a jargon).

      Here's more fun linguistics from a recent episode of Lost In the Pond.

    3. It sounds like you'll fit right in here!

  6. Oh, yes, I have had many an "invisible" dick in cruising grounds over the years - Bristol's Clifton Downs , Cardiff Castle Grounds and Plymouth Hoe come to mind - however I have featured this particular reading material before [needless to say - along with A Love of Seamen, funnily enough]... Jx


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?