Thursday, 3 September 2020

Thursday Swim: Wet Winkles & Gloomy Groynes

 Before we get to the good stuff, first I must announce that one of my Ipomoea tricolor "Heavenly Blue"s has finally flowered!*
 I have been envious of Jon's and Madam Arcati's displays for the last couple of months, but now, at last, I have my own Morning Glory!

* Of course, had I sown the seeds back in March/April instead of at the end of May, these blooms would have come out that much earlier.


 Anyway, here's what you came here for: warm, wet groynes with a sprinkle of winkles!

 I haven't managed to have a swim for two weeks as the weather has been appalling.  With temperatures only just scraping into the mid-teens at the beginning of this week, and more moisture coming from the sky than in the sea, it just hasn't really been conducive to going outside, nevermind going for a swim.
 But today was different.  Although overcast and damp, the rain finally let up mid-morning, and with the temperature back up to about 20° so I took a chance and wandered down to the beach with my swimming kit. 

 Above is my chosen swim spot.  The good thing about the terrible weather is that there was barely anyone else around, so I didn't have to go quite as far to find a secluded part of the beach.
 However, I did have to share with some winkles...

These winkles like to get into every nook and cranny!


  1. In the immortal words of Marie Lloyd (or at any rate, the "Marie Lloyd" character in the marvellous and never-seen-again "Music Hall Musical" Frank's Closet that we went to see way back in 2010): I like to 'ave a winkle on a Sunday afternoon, but my 'usband prefers a tart!"...


    PS We grew the gorgeous Ipomoea "Heavenly Blue" for a few years, but it tends to sulk and doesn't produce a lot of flowers - which is why we now grow "Kniola's Black" instead.

    1. PPS Just noticed that link to my Frank's Closet post is broken - try here.

    2. Yes, I'm not overly thrilled with "Heavenly Blue". They do appear to sulk, as you put it. At least two of the 10 seedlings I ended up with (I gave a few away) didn't know whether to grow or die, and just turned white once they reached about 20cm tall. I ignored them at that point, but they're now starting to grow properly - so they may flower at the end of November!
      The rest are OK, but nothing special - not a patch on your "Kniola's Black" - so the seeds I collect from them will go up the allotment next year (to grow along a wire fence) where it won't matter if they sulk or not.

      Frank's Closet? You had me at "Julie Andrews tells the chorus to "fuck off""!

  2. Beautiful to see the snails. But I was hoping to see one wet groyne in particular.

    1. Perhaps it might make another appearance before the end of the season?

  3. First things, first: WHERE IS JAKE'S ARSE? Je suis tres désolé!

    Lovely blooms, sweetpea. The beach looks inviting and the winkles look interesting! xoxo

    1. Don't DO that, Savvy! I thought Jake's Arse had disappeared from my sideboard!
      I'll try and do a longer post next time, so that his arse appears next to the comments.

  4. It's all very well 'aving a winkle on a Sund'y afternoon, but do keep yer 'and on yer 'apenny, dear!

    Oh, a note to Drag Queen is a mass of flower buds!

    1. I can't wait for your next post with all the photos! Jx

    2. It's all gone ever so East End Innuendo around here...

      But I do note that there's a new post Down Under!

  5. What are the FGES doing on your beach?????? WHAT???? Is this some sort of witchcraft??????? Oh..... and are you really wearing them to swim in???????
    Questions, questions, questions......

    1. What? What are you talking about? FGES on the beach??
      I think you've had them too long, Ms Scarlet. Their polyester tendrils have got to your mind!

  6. I will run the contest soon... I was thinking Christmas.... I know, I said much the same last year!

  7. Very disappointed not to see any, ahem, winkles.

  8. Hello, I have managed to see your morning glory at last !
    I didn't realize that it was "Heavenly Blue". It is a gorgeous colour but as Jon has said it is rather temperamental.
    I love your deserted beach. when I was a nipper my sister and I would gather winkles, take them home, Mum would cook then then we would sit eating them with a pin.
    Thanks for sharing your garden and for bringing back some lovely memories.

    1. Ah, Madam Arcati! How lovely of you to drop by. Yes, "Heavenly Blue" has been somewhat of a disappointment. "Kniola's Black" for next year!

      Glad I could jog a memory or two. Yours actually jogged a very similar one of my own - except it was my grandma who cooked the winkles, and I didn't eat them because I thought they looked like bogies.

    2. Eating winkles is a generation thing I think. There is a lot more interesting seafood around now.

    3. I think you're right. Although, it's nice that catching crabs in Cromer is still popular.

    4. Bless you for that. I was avoiding the catching crabs thing.


Tickle my fancy, why don't you?